Monday, October 31, 2011

Lesson 220: Holiday Clothes Part 2

Holiday Clothes Part 1

When choosing a costume for that special Halloween-church-alternative-event remember that you are going to a church that has specific beliefs about Halloween. In fact they've gone so far as to have an alternative night for you to take your kids to, so maybe dressing them up as a ghoul or a devil is not such a brilliant idea.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Lesson 219: Plans for the Future

Don't tell them you are going outside until they actually need to know. Hearing "Outside?" "Outside now?" over and over could drive anyone batty.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lesson 218: Tickers

Once upon a time I gave a minute donation to one of the many charities that sends out address labels and a dime "hoping that you will send it back with your generous donation." You know exactly what I'm talking about, the ones that probably spent more sending your address labels than they actually get in return donations. Anyways, ever since it has seemed like every charity on the face of the earth sends me address labels. Not that I'm complaining, they are a small luxury that I really enjoy. However, I have enough that my desk drawer is over flowing and I could never hope to use all of them.

My solution: "Tickers" The ugly ones and ones I'll never use have all been moved down to Deci's drawer. The one with all of the slightly dull pencils and kid friendly markers. Now if he wants to be extra creative with his pile of scratch paper he can pull out a sheet of stickers and attach them any way his little heart desires. And the best part? Entertainment for the little boy, completely free. Well free for me anyways.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Lesson 217: Get It Out Of There

As soon as baby is done with items like the bouncy seat and excersaucer take them into storage. Otherwise her big brother might start his own "re-purposing" blog.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lesson 216: If You Can Think of Nothing

If all else fails sit right behind Mama and scream your lungs out. She'll either pay attention or trip over you.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Lesson 215: How Are We Doing?

"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children."~ Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lesson 214: Rediculous

It is impossibly hard to get mad or do any sort of discipline while your little boy is wearing a fuzzy superman top-hat that bounces as he runs around the house.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Lesson 213: Finger Paint

If your baby insits on grabbing the spoon full of baby food every time you take it to her mouth, drop a little baby food on the tray and let her finger paint with it. Experts say that she is just interested in it's texture and feel and this is a great way to let her learn while keeping those speedy little fingers busy.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lesson 212: Don't Amputate it Doc!


"What's wrong, Buddy?"


"Did you hit your toes?"


"Want me to kiss it and make it better?"

"Yeah" (wimper wimper)

"Think we'll have to cut them off?"

"Yeeeeaaaah.... let's go play."

Today's Lesson: Shrug it off. There are more important things to do.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Lesson 211: 1, 2, 3, 4

Deci just recently learned his numbers and often we hear this:

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5,7,8..."

But today Rilian added:

"No, no Deci! You forgot 9!"

Today's Lesson: Apparently 9 is much more important than 6.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Lesson 210: Duck, Duck,...

RILIAN: Duck, Duck, Gooose! (runs around the other two boys and sits) Your turn Rornin!

RORAN: Ahg Ahg Ahg Ahhhhh!(runs around and plops down where he was again)

(They both turn to Deci)

DECI: Ush shop Rornin. My urn! Yuck, Yuck, Yuck, Yuck... Nuh-nin!

Today's Lesson: Give you teachers (especially Uncle Dustin) credit for their work.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lesson 209: Splat

The chances of your child dropping the uncooked egg, he just hijacked off the table, as he brings it back to you are much slimmer than if you chase after him to get it back yourself. Trust me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lesson 208: Gifts for His Children

"Next to eternal life, the most precious gift that our Father in Heaven can bestow upon man is his children." 
~David O McKay

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lesson 207: Dish iz

I realized one night while doing the dishes that it was way too quiet in the other room, so I set off in search of my two munchkins. Soon, I found them sitting in their room on the floor with Deci's blankets spread across their laps reading a book. Deci was being a great older brother and not only sharing, but telling Elora exactly what he thought the book said. It happened to be their kiddie Bible and I walked in just as he turned to the page of Adam and Eve in the Garden. They were of course following tradition and therefore naked but were modestly covered by a convenient branch here and a well placed bush there. However, this is not what made me have to leave the room. It was Deci confidently assuring Elora that "Dish iz Mama and Papa." that sent me giggling out of the room.

Today's Lesson: "Mama" and "Papa" are universal concepts that fit into every kids story, even the slightly awkward ones.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Lesson 206: Weird Things Deci Does Part 2

My kids have lately taken to playing together. Elora has a particularly infectious giggle, and Deci loves to make her happy. So their latest game is that she sits and he lays his head in her lap. Then she pulls on his hair and giggles  Apparently Deci has no nerves on the top of his head because they play this for 10 minute stretches.

Today's Lesson: A toddler has learned about hair, keep yours out of the way. Unless you are super dedicated to your little sister's happiness.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Lesson 205: Weird Things Deci Does Part 1

Deci standing at the bottom of the steps yells, " Mere Pitty! Mere!" and blows a raspberry.

Today's Lesson: Even kitties need kisses.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Lesson 204: Boxes Part 3

Want to join the box brigade?
Job Requirements:

  • Own box that is big enough for you to sit in for the "boat" part of the parade
  • Able to walk around the house and drag the box behind you, navigating such passageways past the plateau of coffee table and the hallway pass
  • Willing to shriek at the top of your lungs so that at least three neighbors feel the need to ask if your boys are having fun today
  • Posses a creative mind that understands kid-speak

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lesson 203: Boxes Part 2

Beware however when you have made the favorite box to play with just a tad bit too tall for your son to climb into when it's upright. Somehow he will manage to climb off the heater and get himself stuck with one leg in the box and one out. And then he'll call for you pitifully crying "Help Mommie! Help!" You might just die of the combination of cuteness and laughter.