
Sometimes Toddler-ese is hard to understand, so here is a list of all the Deci-terms I use in the blog and a few extras just for fun.

Aarn (n) any male cousin who's mommy is Aunt Chrys and daddy is Uncle Dan, especially Aaron

ank oo (phrase) "Thank You"

A-Yen! (int) the closing to the part before dinner when you have to fold your hands and close your eyes without talking. It means you can eat now.

bawl (n) ball, any round object that can be thrown (even if it shouldn't be), also a balloon

bleck (adj) bleck, yucky, undesirable, messy, the contents of any diaper or kitty box

BobBobBob (n) Veggietales, from Bob the tomato, usually used when asked what to watch on TV, also possibly used as a reference to Dad

dawn (adv) (adj) down, usually used as a command as in 'get down' or 'I want down'

eening (v) cleaning, taking a washcloth (clean or otherwise) and wiping down every conceivable surface

eeys (n) keys

ell (v) smell, usually 'you smell'

ink (n) drink, such as milk, water, juice, or anything desirable in someone else's cup

Mama (n) mother, mommy, mom

Mom (n) mother, or more often Dad

Mommie (n) mother when using an angelic voice

nienie (n)(v)(pron)1. blanket or pacifier  2. pretending to be asleep as in playing 'night night' 3. 'night night' used when going to sleep 3. my, mine or me

nuh (adv) no

oon (n) balloon, a ball that floats

ouus koos (n) Blue's Clues, also television in general

pay (v) pray, folding your hands and bowing your head and only taking the occasional peek out at Mama or trying to steal a bite of food.

pees (adv) please

peet (adj) pretty

Yaya (n) Aunt Amanda, the aunt with the fish crackers, Rilian and Roran's mommy

yieyie (n) ceiling, that thing that Dad picks you up to touch when he comes home every day

More to come later!