Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lesson 141: Attention Part 2!

Attention Part 1

It's even better if you can get your cousin to join in with the yelling out the window. Especially when his mom happens to be Aunt Yaya.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Lesson 140: Attention!

If Mama stops answering to "Moooooom!" and Papa no longer responds to "Papapapapapapa!" turn to your next trusty alternative: Aunt Yaya.

Simply yell "YAYA!" out the window until it echos off the courtyard walls. She's sure to hear you, even though her windows are closed and the air conditioning is on.

Attention Part 2

Friday, May 27, 2011

Lesson 139: How To Share Without Sharing

When Mama says, "Boys share your food, it's for both of you" take your bowl of cereal and dump it into your cousin's bowl. Then because he's been told to share too, he'll take his and dump all of it in your bowl. Thus you have shared but still ended up with all of the cereal!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lesson 138: Ramen

Ramen noodles are fun to fling on the floor, but not so much fun to pick up.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lesson 137: What Every Mother Wants to Hear

Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it.
Proverbs 22:6

It's not a prophecy or a promise but a proverb. Sometimes I worry that we are being to harsh and expecting too much out of Deci. We've worked hard to show him how to behave and care for others especially with saying "please" and "thank you." Sometimes it seems like we've made little to no progress on the matter, and that he's just too young to understand. However, on Sunday I was given the high praise that he was such a well behaved, polite little boy, and a joy to have. It's a small thing, but I am so very proud of him!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Lesson 136: Again!

To find out how many times your child will want to do something over and over simply take their age and ad a 0. Then square it.

So: 1 year old = 10*10= Repeat action 100 times,
      2 year old = 20*20= Repeat action 400 times
      3 year old .....

Monday, May 23, 2011

Lesson 135 From A Few Local Princesses: Princess Day Out Results

Too much hair-doing, nail-painting, picture-taking, story-hearing and cookie-eating makes for several adorable little zombies.

"Hi, what's your name?"
*Blank stare*

"Well here is your snack, did you have fun today?"
*Blank stare* 

"What story would you like to hear? We have Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, The Three Little Pigs, and Rumpelstiltskin."
*Blank stare*

"Is your cookie good?"
*Blank stare*

"Would you like another one?"

Friday, May 20, 2011

Lesson 134: How to Drive Mom Crazy in 10 Minutes Free Trial for just $19.99!


MAMA: *coming back into the living room for the umpteenth time* "What Deci?"

DECI: "Cars" *pointing to the TV to show he's watching Cars*

MAMA: "Yes Deci I know, I put the movie in for you remember?"

DECI: "Oh."

Ten minutes later...


MAMA: *coming back into the living room for the umpteenth and one time* "What Deci?"

DECI: "Baby" *pointing to Elora playing on the floor*

MAMA: "Yes Deci I know, something about giving birth gave away that one"

DECI: "Oh yah"

Today's Lesson From Deci: Point out the obvious, just in case.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lesson 133: Pockets

Do not, under any circumstances, what so ever, teach your little boy about his pockets. It will be cute the first day when he insists on keeping his matchbox cars in them and even still cute the second day when you have to explain that he can't take the entire gravel parking lot in his pockets. But on the third day when Dad's keys mysteriously disappear and then you finally find them along with a spider in your son's shorts, it is just not so cute anymore.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lesson 132: Garage Sales

When you decide to go garage sailing, make sure that your kid has not taken his shoes off every time you get out of the car. Otherwise you might set an entire garage of people laughing at you and the faces your son is making while sanding on the wet gravel in his stocking feet.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lesson 131: Entertainment is Cheap

Put your little squares for your fabric project in a baggie and conveniently leave an extra bag on the table with the leftover scraps. See what you little one learns by mimicking you.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Lesson 130 From Deci, Elora and Their Cousins: The Great Underminer

Me: "Roran don't throw the ball on the Baby"
Roran: "Arrrg!"
Rilian: "No, Roran, No!"
Elora:*Giggle Giggle Giggle*

*5 Minutes later*
Me: "Deci be careful of the Baby!"
Deci: "Mama?"
Me: "Yes, Deci?"
Deci: "Baby."
Rilian: " No, Deci, No!"
Elora:*Giggle Giggle Giggle*

Today's Lesson: If it isn't hurting anyone let it be. Or the Baby's giggles will totally undermine your authority.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Lesson 129: Wearing Out Your Kids

Jumping on a couch all morning means good naps all afternoon.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Lesson 128: Bonnets

Not properly fitting Easter bonnet + Elora = Unhappiness

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lesson 127: Riding a Bike

Teaching your child to ride a bike, is not as easy as they make it look.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

Lesson 124: Storage

When putting away toys, be sure to open all flaps, doors, compartments, seats, closets and other small items holders. Cereal can find its way anywhere.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Lesson 123: Daddy's Stereo

Shoving Kicks under Daddy's stereo is maybe not the best way to digest them.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lesson 122 From Deci's Cousin: Sharing

It maybe hard to share toys. It may be hard to share food. But once you realize that you are not supposed to drink out of your cousin's cup, it's absolutely adorable to bring it to him instead. And if he's like Deci, he'll say "Eank Ooo" (Thank You) all 600 times.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lesson 121: Highchairs

At a certain age there becomes something to highchairs. They become the place to make a mess. Suddenly eating at a "big boy" table means your little boy makes about 80% less mess.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Lesson 120: Potty Training

According to the Pullups Potty Dance DVD: "Watch out for zippers." Apparently this is hysterical for a 2 year old. Deci laughs every time.