Monday, June 6, 2011

Lesson 144: Counting Calories

Once upon a time there was a little boy playing in the nursery at his church. His mommy had just given him the most delightful cookie and then she sat down to feed his sister. However, this little boy had a problem: How can he get a drink when this delicious cookie makes him so thirsty? He knew Mommy liked him to keep his cookie at the table and not to scatter crumbs all over the nursery, and he knew his sippy cup was in the crib across the room, but he was too small to get it out of the crib, and Mommy was feeding Sister. Whatever shall this little boy do? Ah, but he's a clever one, this little boy. He eats a few bites of his cookie, carefully sets it down at the table so as not to leave crumbs, and then runs quickly (so his thirst didn't overwhelm him) to the crib where he pulls the sippy cup of water to the edge and drinks through the bars. Thirst quenched, he realizes he has left that delectable cookie at the table, and quickly returns to start the process all over again. Again and again he runs back and forth not noticing the very amused look on Mommy's face. What a clever little boy.

Today's Lesson: Run while eating; it saves calories.

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