Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lesson 222: Mommy is...

Deci and his cousins have lately gotten into repeatedly asking "Where Mommy/Daddy go?" The answer is of course the same every day and every time they ask. So needless to say,the endless question was starting to drive me batty. Then I thought I'd be clever. I gathered all three of them together for a speech.

"Now Mommy/Aunt Yaya, Daddy/Uncle Darrell, and Uncle Devon/Daddy are all at work. So now listen carefully. Mommy/Aunt Yaya is at work. Every body say 'at work'"

"At wook"

"Ok and Daddy/Uncle Darrell is at work. Everybody say 'at work'"

"At wook"

"Very good, and Uncle Devon/Daddy is also at work. Everybody say 'at work'"

"At wook"

"Wonderful. Now where is Mommy?"

Roran: "In Car!"

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