Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lesson 165: A Darrell Rant

The other night, we're sitting at my brother and sister in-law's house and Deci and a cousin are sitting at a table not far away talking as only the two of them communicate; in half words and gibberish, completely understanding one another but leaving the rest of us confounded. Another young cousin walks up to his mom (my sister in-law Amanda) and tries to con her out of a cookie. She says "Not on your life Bucko." Then a few minutes later we hear something odd from the other children and Darrell says to his wife, "Now look what you did hon. They've combined 'Bucko' and 'Sucker' to become 'Bucker.' And that's just dangerous."

Tonight's Lesson: Stay away from 'Bucko's and 'Sucker's.

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