Thursday, September 29, 2011

Lesson 201: Plan Your Strategy Carefully

It's almost lunch time and I ask the boys what they want to watch while I get the food ready. Deci instantly proclaims at the top of his lungs "Hi5!" with the matching hand in the air. Rilian just looks at me and Roran grunts. Rather sick of Hi5 I ask Rilian, "Rilian are you ok with Hi5?" He nods, and Deci is still yelling into my ear so I ask Roran, who almost always votes for Veggietales. "Roran, how about you? Hi5? or would you rather Sesame Street or Signing Time or Veggietales?" After thinking for a moment he replies by pinching his cheek in his hand.

In Roran-ese this means "kitty."

Apparently reinforcements were never adequately enlisted.

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